Congratulations to Tammy Namanny for being the Teacher of the Year for Hesperia Unified School District! We appreciate all you do for our students, Tammy!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
HUSD teacher of the year
Rattler Parents/Guardians, School begins on AUGUST 6th! We are posting the schedule that students will follow for Distance Learning to the RMS website as well as our social media pages. In addition, we are mailing home a hard copy of this schedule with additional information tomorrow. Please keep an eye out over the weekend for this letter.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
DL Schedule
Rattler Families, The Parent Involvement Policy is now available to view:
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Engagement Policy
Rattler Families, As you heard from HUSD Superintendent, Mr. Olney, we will begin the 20-21 school year with distance learning. Our office staff has returned and we are here to answer your questions. Please feel free to give us a call M-Th 8:30am- 3:30pm (760) 948-0175. Our goal is to work together as partners in your student's distance learning experience. We have put together a RMS Distance Learning web site that will include all the information you will need to support your student through this process. We will share the link for the website via the RMS website/social media/texts prior to the first day of school. We are looking forward to another amazing year in Rattler Country! Mrs. Bonnett
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
The 2020 Drive Through Backpack Giveaway will be held on Thursday, July 30 at the San Bernardino County Fairgrounds in Victorville. At this event, they will be giving away backpacks, food boxes, socks, face masks, books and more!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
2020 Backpack Giveaway
Attention Rattler Parents, Report cards were mailed today. Have a wonderful summer!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
HUSD is continuing to provide FREE summer meals for all children ages 1-18. Please see the attached flyer for more information.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
food services
Rattler Parents, Parent Portal letters are going out today and report cards will be mailed early next week. Be sure to activate your parent portal then update your student's emergency contact info found under the "MORE" tab on the left hand side. ALL students new and existing will need to updatethis information. HUSD is requesting that all parents take a few moments to fill out the below survey regarding our return to school in August. Click the link below to provide your input: Hope everyone is having a wonderful start to their summer break!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Families, I wanted to take this opportunity to thank you all for working together with the RMS staff to bring our students the best possible education under the current circumstance. Although this is not the way anyone planned to end the school year, we are indeed at the end of the year. As the situation unfolds throughout the summer, we will keep you updated for the plan for the upcoming school year. If your student is planning to attend a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, you do not have to return your Chromebook until school resumes in the fall. If your child will not be attending a Hesperia Unified School District school next year, then please contact our school office to arrange for a drop off time for your Chromebook before Wednesday 6/3. Wishing you all a safe and restful summer! Mrs. Bonnett
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Good Morning Rattler Families, Today is the LAST day for PE locker pick up and yearbook pick up. All items remaining from student's PE lockers will be donated/discarded after today. You can pick items up between 10am-1pm. Thank you!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Good Morning Rattler Families! Many parents have had questions about Chromebook drop-off. Chromebooks will remain checked out to students over summer break. As students return in the fall, they will check in their old Chromebook and then will be checked out their new Chromebook. If your student is attending another HUSD school next year (ex: Sultana), they can check-in their old Chromebook at their new school. If your student is not returning to Ranchero or an HUSD school, then they will need to return their Chromebook to the school by Thursday, May 28th. School will be open every Tuesday and Thursday from 10 AM to 1 PM via the Chromebook support center in front of the MPR or the PE pickup lane via the bus lane for drop-off. If your student has any other items they would like to return this year, they can return it via either of the options mentioned above. Please do not hesitate to reach out to the school and/or an administrator if you have any follow-up questions.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Chromebook Info
The HUSD Family Resource Center has shared their monthly newsletter. Check it out here:
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Family Resource Center
Attention Rattler Families, PE clothes pickup will start on Tuesday, May 12, from 10 AM to 1 PM and will continue on every Tuesday and Thursday until the end of the school year during the same time frame. To maintain proper social distancing, parents will enter the school by taking Oxford Avenue to the back campus and entering the bus lane. Parents will drive on campus to the back of the gym. (There is a map posted to the RMS Instagram and Facebook pages) Please bring a sign to hold that includes the STUDENT NAME and PERIOD to show staff members so that they can quickly get their student's belongings. Staff will get the belongings and put it in the trunk of their car and parents will exit via Ranchero road. All belongings NOT picked up by May 28th will be donated to charity/discarded. Stay safe Rattlers!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Parent/Guardian, Please take a moment to provide valuable feedback for our site. We value your input and will utilize this information to allocate resources in the coming year. We appreciate you taking the time to help RMS be the best it can be. Click the link below to participate in the short survey: Hope you are all doing well, and remaining safe.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Congrats to the entire Rattler Community! RMS was a finalist for this year’s Best of the Desert awards. We have the best students and staff around. Thank you for believing in RMS and trusting our amazing staff with your student!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Families, I hope everyone had a great weekend. I wanted to share some great resources for families. The following link will take you to a list of local organizations that can offer assistance during this difficult time: Here, you can find resources on: food banks, mental health, utilities and many more. Our goal is to do everything we can to support our HUSD Family through this difficult time. Parents/guardians, please check in with your student regularly regarding their distance learning. Each teacher is assigning 1-2 hours per week per class. Our goal is to provide the necessary flexibility for our families while still offering a quality education for our students. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to reach out to your student's teacher/counselor/or administrator. We are here to help! Stay well Rattlers, Mrs. Bonnett
almost 5 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Any new students wishing to enroll at Ranchero Middle School may call the school at (760) 948-0175 and/or email registration staff at
almost 5 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Attention Rattlers! Yearbooks are on sale online at the link below: #RattlersRISE #IMPACTtheFutureHUSD
almost 5 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Attention Rattler Families, If you purchased Spring pictures, please contact Life Touch in order to learn how to obtain your images online and/or your paid package. Their Customer Service phone number is 1-800-736-4753 or you can contact them online at via chat. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to us!
almost 5 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Spring Pictures
Rattler Parents, 3rd quarter grades have posted. Please check Infinite Campus for your student's grades. If your student had a D/F in any class, a notice was put in the mail this morning. There is plenty of time for student's to raise their grade through Remote Learning. Every student should be checking Google classroom/teacher emails daily. Please do not hesitate to reach out to teachers/administration via email. We will do everything we can to support every student. We got this Rattlers!
almost 5 years ago, Ranchero Middle School