October Newsletter from the Family Resource Center: https://bit.ly/2SD0duF
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
family resource
Good afternoon parents. Ranchero Middle School invites you to our first English Language Advisory Committee meeting on October 6 @ 9:30 AM via google meet. We will be using this time to go over the School Plan for Student Achievement, answer questions regarding distance learning, hold ELAC committee elections, and discuss topics for future meetings. You can find the link for the meeting below and on the Ranchero Middle School website Live Feed. We hope you are able to join us. Thank you for your time and have a nice afternoon. https://www.google.com/url?q=https://hesperiausd-org.zoom.us/j/86887286225&sa=D&source=calendar&ust=1602353508171000&usg=AOvVaw3Nh05Q40XyDL1EujDI1xCX Buenas tardes padres, la escuela de Ranchero Middle School los invita a nuestra primera junta del año escolar 2020-2021 de ELAC. Se llevará a cabo el 6 de Octubre a las 9:30 am via google meet. Vamos a usar esta oportunidad para repasar el plan escolar para el rendimiento estudiantil, responderemos preguntas sobre el aprendizaje a distancia, haremos elecciones del comité de ELAC y discutiremos temas para futuras reuniones. Pueden encontrar el código para la junta en la página de web de Ranchero Middle School. Esperamos que nos puedan acompañar. Muchas gracias y que tengan una bonita tarde.
over 4 years ago, Chris Seybert
Rattler Parents, Please see the attached flyer on an upcoming outreach day for families in need of books, diapers, formula and groceries.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Drive Thru Book Tour
Rattler Families, An important reminder: Student supplemental supply pick up is happening THIS week 7th grade last names A-K- Monday 9/28 7th grade last names L-Z- Tuesday 9/29 8th grade last names A-K- Wednesday 9/30 8th grade last names L-Z- Thursday 10/1 Make up day- Friday 10/2 Times- 8:00am- 10:00am and 1:00pm- 3:30pm Students do not need to be present. Please have students: first and last name and student ID number.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Parents/Guardians, Please remind your student to checkin in on Infinite Campus tomorrow AND complete their assignments in Google CLassroom for ALL classes tomorrow and every Wednesday. Although there are not Zoom calls on Wednesdays, students will have assignments to complete for each class. Progress reports for D's/F's were mailed home last week. If your student is struggling please reach out to their teacher(s) and inquire about attending their intervention hours. We also have AVID college tutors available virtually that students can sign up for with the following link: https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/rms-distancelearning-20-21/student-resources/tutoring?authuser=0 We are here to help, please give us a call with any questions 760 948 0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Our Nutrition Services Department still needs your input on meal service. Please fill out the brief survey here: https://bit.ly/3ko9WRk
over 4 years ago, Hesperia Unified
Good morning Ranchero parents/guardians, Voting is currently underway for candidates for Ranchero Middle School Site Council. If you would like to vote for SSC, please contact the RMS office before the end of the day on Friday 9/18/20 and a ballot will be sent electronically to you. Thank you for your participation.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
No School Monday Rattlers!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Labor Day
Rattler Families, Is your student struggling with any of their classes? RMS has college AVID tutors available to students during distance learning. Your student can visit the RMS Distance Learning website: https://sites.google.com/hesperiausd.org/rms-distancelearning-20-21/tutoring?authuser=0 They will fill out the form located above and a tutor will contact them to set up a small group tutoring session during intervention times. All teachers also have small group intervention times built into their week. Your student can request (although if they have a D/F intervention is assigned) from their teacher to attend these sessions to get additional help directly from their teacher. We are here to help please feel free to give us a call with questions. 760-948-0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Families, A few quick updates/reminders: - Students do not need to log onto live video conferencing each Wednesday, however they DO need to check themselves in for the day on Infinite Campus and complete all assignments on Google Classrooms. There are not regularly scheduled live calls on Wednesdays with teachers but Wednesdays are still regular school days for students and they WILL have assignments to complete. - Student intervention began this week. If your student is struggling in any class they will start attending mandatory intervention/tutoring time throughout the school day. Teachers are notifying students via email/Google Classroom/and during live video conferencing calls. Intervention blocks are listed on the Distance Learning Schedule that can be found at: biy.ly/rmsdistance20 - RMS Back to School Night is this Thursday, 8/27/20 at 5:30pm. Click on the above RMS Distance Learning Website and we will have a "Back to School Night" link live on Thursday evening. Please call us with any questions: 760 948 0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Parents/Guardians, Mark your calendar for this Thursday 8/27 for the RMS Virtual Back to School Night beginning at 5:30 pm. Details will be shared later this week. Don't miss out on the chance to get to know your student's teachers and learn a bit about each of their classes.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Hello Rattler parents and Guardians, We hope that you and your students are settling into the new school. As we are now fully underway, it is time to start organizing our 2020/2021 School Site Council. We currently have open parent/community positions on the SSC team. If you are interested in possibly serving as a parent on SSC, please contact the student support department in the Ranchero office before the end of the day on Friday 8/28. Once we have collected the names of all that are interested, we will add the names to a ballot to be voted on. The candidates with the most votes will be added to the SSC team. Thank you and have a wonderful day!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Parent/Guardians, Starting tomorrow 8/13/20 students will need to begin checking themselves in daily. Teachers will continue to take attendance based on the daily video conferencing. Teachers will be walking students through this process tomorrow as well as posting the tutorial to their Google Classrooms. To view the step by step process click the link below: https://bit.ly/3kCVPsl Please call with any questions 760 948 0175. Have a great day Rattlers!
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Parents/Guardian, A quick reminder, there are NO ZOOM/Google Meets on Wednesdays. Students WILL need to complete their assignments for the day. Please be sure your student checks each of their Google Classrooms tomorrow and completes the assignment(s) for the day.  This is how teachers will be verifying attendance on Wednesdays. Please give us a call in the morning with any questions. 760 948 0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
RMS has added an additional hour to our Chromebook Support and Exchange window! Parents and students can drop by the school for Chromebook support every Monday through Friday from 8AM to 9AM AND 2:30PM to 3:30PM.
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
chromebook support
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
If the previous link did not work please try this one for the Zoom tutorial: https://bit.ly/3fBxzDc
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
We could not ask for a better day first day under these circumstances! THANK YOU for working with us as a team to get your students up and running on distance learning. If your student is having trouble logging onto the Zoom calls with their teachers please watch the below tutorial: https://bit.ly/3fBxzDc We have also posted it to social media and our distance learning website. Together we will make the best possible experience for our students, please do not hesitate to give us a call with any questions. 760 948 0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Good Morning Rattlers! TODAY is the first day of school. First period begins at 9:00am. ALL students need to log onto their 1st period Zoom. Please see our distance learning website for tutorials on how to log on. We can't wait to see our students! bit.ly/rmsdistance20
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School
Rattler Families, If you have not already done so please check out our RMS Distance Learning website: http://bit.ly/rmsdistance20 Nearly all Google Classroom codes and teacher "how to" videos are now accessible. The final few will be added shortly. Students will follow the posted schedule and log on to live video conferences with their teachers beginning Thursday 8/6. A few FAQ: - Student textbooks are online and teachers will walk students through how to access them once they begin the video chats - If you did not attend a HUSD school last year OR if your Chromebook has broken you can come by RMS tomorrow from 9am-12pm and see Mr. Merced to get it fixed/pick one up - RMS will be a food service site when school starts. ALL RMS students may receive free food services M-Th 11am-12pm We are here to help with any questions you may have (760) 948-0175
over 4 years ago, Ranchero Middle School